Say Hi to AI, But Keep Authenticity High

A Community Newsletter from Anytime Mailbox

We're happy to provide you with social media insights and more!

So Many Joined Us at the Social Media Webinar

It’s our pleasure to share intel, insights, and inspiration.

Our latest webinar focused on the do’s and don’ts of social media marketing to help you expand your reach, make the most of digital opportunities, and boost your brand.

In case you missed it, here’s a recap of the webinar

We’ll continue sharing info that can propel your business, and we’ll soon share details on the next webinar in the series!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Say Hi to AI, But Keep Authenticity High

The rise of AI is revealing unique opportunities for a human vibe. 

FOOH (pronounced: faux) stands for Fake Out of Home and is a descriptor for AI-generated advertisements. While AI makes some folks uneasy, the ease of creating fake content has also opened up new marketing avenues for humans: 

  • Ctrl-Alt-Delude: The rise of AI-generated advertising has pushed many companies to label their ads as ‘fictional creations,’ thereby opening up the possibility to stand out when you generate content that’s uniquely human.

  • Is This Real Life?: Ikea embraced the real over the surreal by showing, for example, an ad with parents’ furniture soiled after rowdy teens host a shindig. Relating to human customers in a human way establishes a connection that the fantastical simply can not. 

Why it matters:

  • Breaking through marketing noise requires doing things differently than your competitors. What are they not doing that you could? Writing quick hand-written notes to renewing customers? Hosting a meet-and-greet?

  • AI is a great tool, but be sure to let customers also get to know the human side of your business. When your competitors are AI zigging, human zagging might be worth a look.

For more details on how to flow with the tides of AI, here’s a link (2-min. skim).

Generate A Little Green on St. Paddy’s Day

The holiday can help you connect with customers and have some fun.

Despite a famous frog once lamenting that it’s not easy being green, St. Patrick’s Day is a global holiday celebrated from the warm shores of Australia to the cherry blossom swept parks of Japan to the bustling streets of Buenos Aires.

And here’s a little four-leaf clover to help you make some green of your own during the festivities:

  • Hearts, Stars, and Horseshoes - Feature a sale on a popular item or run discounts during “lucky hours” so your customers can score their own pot of gold.

  • A Clover, Not A Fighter - Consider partnering with Irish-centric businesses, dancers, or musicians to align with the celebration. And if you happen to be Irish, celebrate it big.

  • Snakes and Raiders - Did you know the real St. Patrick was born in Britain and brought to Ireland by kidnappers? Consider fun trivia on your profiles to drive engagement and social traffic.

Leaning into classic traditions is smart business and it gives you an opportunity to market your products or services while connecting in a lively way.

For more ideas on St. Patrick’s Day marketing, follow the rainbow to this list (2-min. skim).

Coming Soon: Anytime Business Accelerator

Everything you need to kick off a successful business. All in one place.

We are gearing up to launch a new service to give dreamers and movers like you all the tools to achieve your goals.

We'll share more details in our next newsletters. Keep your eyes peeled! 👀

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