What does it really take to succeed?

A Community Newsletter from Anytime Mailbox


Our CEO Shares Hot Takes on What Helps Businesses Succeed

This inspiring 20 minutes will surely enhance your business perspective.

Follow your gut. Accept that things might take longer than expected. Take swift action. Nurture a culture of candor. These are a sampling of the wisdom nuggets that Matt Going (our CEO) shares while discussing how Anytime Mailbox got started and continues to thrive after ten years in business.

Invest in yourself and give a quick listen to this 20-minute episode of the Entrepreneurs on Fire podcast. We have a feeling you’ll walk away even more determined to make your vision work, stay on the path, or explore new trails to reach success.

Anytime Mailbox was built for passionate entrepreneurs. By passionate entrepreneurs.

Keep grinding. We’re honored to be on the journey with you.


Easy Does It

We provide convenience so you can focus on your dreams.

We pride ourselves on our easy-to-navigate website and straightforward virtual mailbox application process. Jaffy K had firsthand experience of our streamlined service and we appreciate that he told his tale.

Not only is sign-up easy with Anytime Mailbox, the service also makes life easier day in and day out. From open and scan to forwarding to shredding, we strive to be an invaluable partner to freelancers, business owners, and digital nomads like yourself.

Thanks for allowing us to be a partner.


How To Quickly Become 50% More Influential

"It’s not what you say. It’s how you say it."

It’s an often quoted phrase that’s been attributed to both communications psychologist Albert Mehrabrian and advertising visionary Bill Bernbach.

Now, in his latest book Magic Words, Dr. Jonah Berger (Stanford Ph.D. and marketing professor at Wharton business school) has creatively distilled the above idea into practical tips that can sharpen anyone’s communication and persuasion skills.

Don’t tell the professor, but here’s the cheat sheet:

  • Because I Said So – When making a request to someone, Berger recommends incorporating the word “because,” noting that it increases the chance of cooperation by 50%.

  • We Recommend ‘Recommend’ – When giving suggestions, use the word “recommend” because your advice will have a 30% higher likelihood of being accepted.

Why it matters:

Whether it’s to make a sale or make a point, communication is the bedrock of business and of life. It makes sense to be aware of the most persuasive words and keep them in your communication toolbelt. Try weaving these potent words into your conversations and see the magic for yourself.

For additional ways to become a sharper and more effective communicator, here’s a link with more tips (2-min. skim).


Shooting for the Moon Can Be A Competitive Advantage

Setting seemingly unattainable goals is sometimes the best way to achieve them.

You’ve likely heard about the Odysseus lander, which landed on the moon last week. Odysseus was the first commercial craft, and the first U.S. spacecraft to reach the moon in more than 50 years. The Odysseus encountered some challenges, but the lesson is clear, and as business leaders we should pay attention.

Moonshot Thinking, which entails pushing boundaries, stretching your comfort zone, and risking failure can often lead to unexpectedly large and measurable outcomes. Here’s a couple of key tenets of Moonshot Thinking:

  • Radical, Dude – When approaching a business goal or challenge, don’t rule out big and bodacious ideas. You can always pull back if needed. Thinking big leads to big things.

  • Exponential Over Incremental – Setting goals that seek to achieve 10x more than what seems ‘reasonable’ takes bold thinking, but sometimes breaking the rules of rationality can lead to unexpected insights, innovations, and outcomes.

For a quick overview of Moonshot Thinking (1-minute skim) and a 4-minute video explainer, here’s a link.

Learn more about Anytime Mailbox. Find something interesting here that you’d like to pass along? Feel free to share!

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