Porch pirates, pop culture, and project management

A Community Newsletter from Anytime Mailbox


The Porch Pirate Lobby Gets a W

Starting this week, Amazon-owned Ring will curtail police access to doorbell camera footage.

We’ve all seen the occasionally funny, but mostly troubling videos of porch pirates stealing packages and mail. But with recent changes to policy at Ring, we may see less of those videos.

Due to concerns voiced by privacy watchdogs about Ring’s formerly loose and open relationship with police departments, from here forward law enforcement agencies will only be able to access video footage by filing a search warrant.

Why it matters:

  • Unfortunately, porch piracy has risen and become more sophisticated in recent years, and with one less tool to catch those crafty criminals, they’ll adapt accordingly. The good news is that with your Anytime Mailbox, it’s a non-issue for you. Good to not have to stress over it.

For details on Ring’s latest policy changes, here’s the link (2-min. read).


True Leaders Foster Belonging

Creating a work culture that offers a sense of connection has never been more important.

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has noted that loneliness and isolation are reaching epidemic status, and a recent Gallup survey revealed that 1 in 4 adults report significant feelings of loneliness.

While the trend is not entirely surprising, a recent Forbes article highlights ways good leaders can create a culture of connectedness:

  • You’re Only Human: Try not to be overly risk-averse or self-protective. Instead, be open with employees, show empathy, and don’t be afraid to admit if you’re wrong. In the end, we’re all fallible. Strong leaders own up to their mistakes and make things right.

  • Context Matters: When you have to share news that isn’t ideal, be sure to provide background information that helps clarify the situation. We all appreciate being treated with respect and dignity during good times and bad.

Why it matters:

  • Our roles as leaders in business, family, and community extend beyond just results and the bottom line. Focusing on humanity and providing positive experiences for those around us is always a good investment.

For the full Forbes article on 4 ways leaders can build a sense of belonging, here’s the link (3-min. read).


Love Mondays with Monday.com

You’re just a couple of clicks away from tasteful and seamless collaboration and project management.

We use Monday.com* at Anytime Mailbox to help us streamline our workflow, and we’re loving it. We think it could be of value to you as well for many reasons, including the following:

  • You can get a free plan if you’re a solo business or if you have only two members for now. No risk is always a plus.

  • Easy-to-use project templates help you get started managing tasks from the start. There are over 200 intuitive and flexible templates to choose from. Freedom to create.

  • For those who don’t want a typical boring project management platform, the clean and beautiful designs represent the next evolutionary step in the workflow interface. Sorted.

We’d choose Monday.com any day of the week (and twice on Mondays). Sorry, couldn’t resist.

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