Looking for Gen Z, reducing turnover, and a new travel inspo

A Community Newsletter from Anytime Mailbox


Where Does Gen Z Spend Time Online?

Wait… it’s not TikTok?

According to one recent report by Morning Consult on the social media habits of Gen Z, TikTok hasn’t achieved complete dominance just yet. Here’s a couple of toplines from the aforementioned report:

  • YouTube is the top platform for Gen Z, with over 80% spending their time on the app.

  • IG is a close second at 75%, which is news for those who may think the platform is “over.”

  • TikTok (69%) and Snapchat (63%) are Gen Z’s third most used social media apps, but TikTok appears to be positioned to make a run for the crown.

Gen Z uses most platforms primarily for entertainment and scrolling. Only a small percentage (19%) use them for communication.

Why it matters:

  • The best way to reach Gen Z is through video. Consider YouTube videos and Instagram reels for your next batch of social content.

For a deeper dive on Gen Z’s social media consumption, here’s a link (2-min. skim).


How To Rescue Employee Happiness and Reduce Turnover

Unfortunately, all is not currently ship-shape in the workforce.

According to BambooHR, 50% of the global workforce is disengaged and not putting in full effort at work (and 39% of workers plan to quit their new jobs after only six months). Not to mention a significant spike in ‘quiet quitting.’

Any good captain knows that camaraderie and a sense of purpose protect a ship from mutiny and desertion. To brave the choppy waters of employee retention in 2024, here’s your compass:

  • Matey of the Month - Regularly recognize and celebrate contributions from team members.

  • Chart a Course - Draw frequent connections between each individual’s work and big-picture company goals.

  • Ahoy, Me Hearties - Curate regularly scheduled activities that encourage friendship and connection and promote bonding amongst the team.

Why it matters:

  • The labor market isn’t post-pandemic hot, but we’re still in a jobseeker's market, and unhappy employees can quickly jump ship.

  • Small adjustments to how you support your crew’s happiness can lead to greater productivity (and profits!) during fair weather. And better retention during stormy seas.

For the full captain’s log of tips on employee happiness, check out this link (3-min. skim).


You Can Travel Far When You Don’t Procrastinate

Sometimes, waiting for the ‘right’ time just isn’t right.

79-year-old Luisa Yu just completed her five-decade quest of visiting all 193 U.N. countries. No wealthy trust-fund jetsetter, she worked as a medical worker at two separate hospitals and moonlighted as a travel agent.

Fueled by persistence and hard work, Yu remained focused on her vision even when her wallet and calendar didn’t agree:

  • Let Me Roam, Country Roads – Despite only having $300 to her name, she trekked across 45 U.S. states by sleeping on Greyhound buses instead of splurging on hotels.

  • An Agency for More Agency – When her three jobs interfered with her goals, she took a leap of faith and began her own travel agency to keep her globetrotting dreams alive.

Why it matters:

  • Setting goals fills us with excitement, but fear is also natural. While it can (at times) be wise to wait for the ‘right’ moment to act, that so-called patience can often turn into procrastination.

  • Are there business goals or personal aspirations you’ve been putting off? Consider self-evaluating whether it’s due to prudent planning or the (dreaded) Toolbox Fallacy.

To take inspiration from Luisa Yu’s achievement of her travel goals without waiting for everything to be perfect, here’s the full article (3-min. read).

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