Here's why listening to employees is always a good idea

A Community Newsletter from Anytime Mailbox


It Pays to Keep an Ear on Employee Sentiment

The latest poll numbers may indicate a dip in employee confidence, so a little proactivity may be in order.

In 4Q 2023, U.S. GDP outpaced economist expectations by 1.3%. And yet, according to Glassdoor, the percentage of employees with a positive outlook on their employers is at 45.6%, an 8-year low.

It’s possible that recent high-profile tech layoffs have led to concerns. Or the recent hiring slowdown could indicate a cooling of the hot job market prevalent since the pandemic days.

Why it matters:

  • It’s worth an occasional pulse check to assess how your staff feels about their careers, work/life balance, and your business. Leaders are proactive regarding employee satisfaction, not reactionary.

  • To better maintain employee confidence, keep in mind that team members have lives outside of their 9-to-5, so be vocal with your advocacy and support. Being empathetic and responsive keeps top talent in your house, not your competitor’s.

For more details on January’s rumblings regarding employee confidence, here's a link (2-min. read).


You Can Access Top Tech Talent at a Fraction of the Cost

Fractions* modernizes talent acquisition and connects you with full-time pros who have some hours to share.

Fractions* is a flexible and cost-effective alternative to traditional full-time employment. And they offer the following business-boosting benefits:

  • Access to professionals that are experts in their fields and seasoned in the industry (and already have jobs and high-level skills).

  • You can choose from rigorously-vetted and the best U.S.-based senior developers, designers, product managers, and more.

  • You can work with pros on a project basis and don’t have to commit to full-time hires before you’re ready.

All good things. Especially for a small business owner such as yourself.

Fractions is currently offering a free trial, so it’s absolutely worth a look.


Announcement: Updated USPS Form 1583

A bit of knowledge is all it takes for seamless handling of the new USPS Form 1583 changes.

In 2023, the USPS released the new and updated Form 1583 for all Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies (CMRA) to start using.

Verified Renters who have signed up with us before July 2023 may need to update their USPS 1583 Forms.

We’ll provide more info and details as they become available.

Learn more about Anytime Mailbox. Find something interesting here that you’d like to pass along? Feel free to share!

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