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A Community Newsletter from Anytime Mailbox


We Handle Your Mail And You Handle Your Business

Anytime Mailbox. At your service.

For folks who travel for business, Anytime Mailbox is essential. One of our Renters, Michael N, shares that Anytime Mailbox works well for him since he’s on the road 350 days a year!

We’re proud to be a catalyst for freedom so that independent contractors, digital nomads, and freelancers can focus on taking care of business.

We handle your mail so you can work and play on your terms.

Thanks for being a part of the movement.


Women 65+ Now A Force in the Workforce

Older Americans are making up a larger percentage of employable workers, with women leading the way.

A recently released Pew research study revealed some interesting trends in the U.S. workforce, including:

  • The number of Americans 65+ in the workforce has quadrupled in size since the mid-80s, with women now making up the largest share of the workforce in history.

  • Wage growth for adults 65+ is outpacing wage growth for younger Americans, and a growing number of older adults are taking ‘bridge jobs’ (a form of post-retirement work) after they hang up their first career.

The rising numbers are of course in part due to the aging population, but the higher percentage of four-year degrees that women now hold (42%) also contributes.

Why it matters:

  • There’s a growing group of educated and experienced job seekers looking for the right opportunity to find meaningful and fulfilling work. If you’re looking to hire, keep an eye on this group of wisdom-wielders who can provide focused and seasoned contributions.

For more details and stats from the Pew study on women in the evolving U.S. workforce, check out this link (2-min. skim).


Try It For Free, Keep it for Next to Nothing

Shopify* makes launching or growing your dream business easy and affordable.

As the go-to commerce platform for budding entrepreneurs and big businesses alike, Shopify is ready when you are.

On a budget? No worries, Shopify has plans that cost only $1 per month. Yes. You’re reading that right. You can build your dream online platform starting at only a hundred pennies.

And here’s some more ways that Shopify can boost your New Year endeavor:

  • Easy Setup - Drag and drop elements to add to your webshop and easily launch your business. With hundreds of design themes and templates to choose from, you can develop and then customize by easily adding your own apps and plugins.

  • Multiple Payment Options - Payment options make it simple and flexible for your customers to purchase and support your business.

  • Digital Marketing - You can create landing pages easily while making use of straightforward and turnkey SEO solutions for your business.

Give your business or e-commerce idea a massive advantage by using Shopify, and all at no risk. Absolutely worth a look.


Be Like Mike or Be Like Ike?

To optimize success in 2024 and beyond, note the advice of both.

With 2024 underway, it’s easy (and very much human nature) to prognosticate about what lies ahead. Researching, reading up, and trying to predict business trends, economic trends, consumer trends, etc., gives us a sense of control. But is it a false sense?

Two legendary leaders observed that trying to accurately anticipate what’s to come isn’t what works best. Instead, wise leaders internalize the idea that even our best predictions will be wrong much of the time. As such, we should expect the unexpected and prepare to be flexible.

  • “Plans are worthless. Planning is indispensable.” - Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower, U.S. Military Officer and 34th U.S. President

    • Ike urged that we should nurture a culture in our organizations and communities that’s not afraid of ambiguity or hesitant to question plans. We should also expect to re-calibrate our plans regularly since change is the one thing we can count on.

  • “The game has ups and downs, but never lose focus on your goals.” - Michael Jordan, 6x NBA Champion, 6x Finals MVP

    • Jordan knew that unpredictability and failure were inevitable. And accepting that while simultaneously staying focused on outcomes and hard work is what produces results.

Your best-laid plans will require adaptation. Be clear on your destination, then respond to the shifting winds and tides, making the inevitable adjustments required along the way.

Enjoy 12 highly motivational quotes from the G.O.A.T. here (1-min. skim).

Learn more about Anytime Mailbox. Find something interesting here that you’d like to pass along? Feel free to share!

*This is an affiliate link, and we may earn from your clicks at no additional cost to you.