To Get and Stay Fit in 2024, Don’t Take the Bait


To Get and Stay Fit in 2024, Don’t Take the Bait

It’s tempting to overdo our fitness resolutions. Experts say keep it simple.

Funny how gyms are jam packed in January, but by March the crowd has waned. The reason is because us quirky humans have a tendency to overcomplicate and overcommit.

Even the well-known 10,000 steps rule isn’t based on facts, and Harvard Medical School researchers report there’s nothing special about the number (it was actually created for a Japanese marketing campaign). Harvard medical experts also note that:

  • When it comes to daily steps, as you get above 2,700, health benefits increase (and level out at around 7,500).

  • Keep your exercise goals modest and attainable. Just do a little more than what you’re already doing now, whether it’s walking the dog a bit longer or taking some extra stairs. As long as there’s panting, you’re on the right track. Both you and your dog, of course.

Nothing complicated or high-maintenance. Just move.

For more on the value of keeping fitness simple, here’s a link (2-min. read).


There’s Always Something New Under the Sun

A recent mathematical discovery of the ‘einstein’ tile shows that solutions and innovation are always just around the corner.

The reason Einstein’s name isn’t capitalized above is that the recent math discovery of a hat-shaped tile that can cover an infinite plane without repeating isn’t actually named after Albert. The ‘einstein’ shape is named for the German word einstein, meaning “one stone”.

  • Until recently, many mathematicians had given up the centuries old quest of trying to find one shape that could be repeated without gaps or overlap in tiling or mosaics.

  • Enter a retired printing systems engineer, David Smith, from Yorkshire, England, and voila. Not only has this centuries old puzzle been solved, but the solution itself has led to an additional trove of discoveries and innovations in the discipline.

Why it matters:

  • At times it can feel like there’s nothing left to discover about our businesses or visions, but as mathematicians just showed us, sometimes huge ‘ah-ha’s’ just take a little bit more noodling. Give some thought to your business and life ventures and see if you can make an ‘ah-ha!’ game-changing discovery for yourself.

For a long, but interesting (and nerdy) look at how the einstein tile was a domino for additional discoveries, here's a link (10-min. skim).


Nomadic Cat Sitter Finds A Perfect Solution in Anytime Maibox

Our amazing Renters contribute to the world in so many cool ways.

And one member of our Anytime Mailbox family, Maren, is truly walking (or better yet, biking) the talk. She’s living untethered and expressing her authentic calling to better the world one person (and cat) at a time. May we all be so bold and action-oriented.

Maren’s Story:

“After a very rough 2020, I decided to make a huge change in my life to follow my dreams – I quit my ‘safe’ job of 18 years, and began my car-free travels in a big loop around the United States and Canada, via Amtrak trains and my Brompton folding bicycle with a trailer.”

Her Anytime Mailbox:

“I moved out of my condo, so I needed a way to continue to receive mail as I became nomadic. Anytime Mailbox was the perfect solution! I have since continued traveling – now living as a full-time nomadic cat sitter – and Anytime Mailbox continues to fill that need for me, including allowing me to pick up packages in person whenever I do come back to my ‘home base’ from time to time.”

Keep rolling Maren! We’re honored to be a part of your journey.

Learn more about Anytime Mailbox. Find something interesting here that you’d like to pass along? Feel free to share!

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