What have you done to stop porch pirates?

A Community Newsletter from Anytime Mailbox

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The Not-So-Complex Mind of a Porch Pirate

With package theft rampant, one consumer resorts to a comical, guilt-tripping note.

Ask the mailman to hide packages behind potted plants? Using a nondescript box? There’s lots of ways we desperately try to keep packages safe from pesky porch pirates. One creative shipper even added the tongue-in-cheek note above in an attempt to thaw the cold hearts of would-be thieves. 

While the note is fun, its effectiveness is doubtful. Truth is an Anytime Mailbox is the best defense against package theft. Your parcels are sent to a safe and staffed location and you’ll be notified via app when they’re delivered.

Is Anytime Mailbox foolproof? Indeed. Guilty as charged.

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Plant Matter Improves Your Gray Matter

Diet is linked to cognition and productivity so let’s get it right.

Dr. Jeffrey Karp, a biomedical engineer from Harvard and MIT (uh, overachiever) calls out the clear link between our diet and our cognitive capabilities. And he shares the diet that gets his brain primed for top performance: 

  • Mutiny on the Bountiful  - Oats, nuts, blueberries, hemp seeds, seaweed flakes, and oat milk are prime brain fuel and tasty as well. Sorry Cap’n Crunch, we’re commandeering breakfast. And our productivity.

  • Hoist your Stanley Cup - Hydration helps improve concentration, cognition, and mood regulation. And drinking liquids with electrolytes and flavonoids tops your typical tap.

  • Vice Re-versa - What about coffee, alcohol, cookies, steaks? Bad news. Dr. Karp limits his coffee intake to one or two per week and opts for green tea instead. As for the other indulgences? Clear negative links to brain health. The truth hurts. Cheat day?

Why it matters:

  • Eating right helps you perform well, especially in an environment where you have to interact and attend to multiple customers and business concerns throughout the day. Getting the right nutrients from the get-go can help you accomplish tasks, keep your head on, and provide great service.

For the all you can read buffet, here’s the full GQ article (4-min. read).

Yabba Dabba Don’t WFH?

Executives attempt to mandate RTO, but workers want flexibility. 

While Disney, Apple, and Tesla make headlines trying to bring workers back to the quarry, a survey of over 10,000 workers from Future Forum revealed:

  • Veloci-rapture - Employees crave connection. And hybrid workers report equal or greater connection to teams and managers than their solely in-office peers.

  • Get Jurassic Back Here - 25% of executives believed that a company’s culture is negatively affected when employees have remote flexibility. And yet 57% of hybrid workers say their company’s culture has improved thanks to more remote options.

Why it matters:

  • Employees want to do good work and be part of something bigger than themselves, but they also need family time. Experimenting with flexible arrangements leads to positive business results and more engaged, longer-tenured employees.

  • Dodge your meteor. What practices are you holding on to because you’ve always done them that way? Can you find a better approach to create more value for your business?

For more on how hybrid/remote policies continue to evolve, here’s a link (2-min. skim).